The Mercurial Missive (Soil & Stars Newsletter)
The Soil & Stars Podcast
🎧 23. your heart is the sanctuary

🎧 23. your heart is the sanctuary

but that might not mean what you think it means

The astrology is intense this month, so instead of talking about how intense it is I recorded a solo show for you with a spiritual practice to help and some other practical things you can do to help during this time.

You’re welcome.

If you want an astrology forecast, I can definitely recommend Nina Gryphon’s.

And, in the episode I also share my own career & money update (about halfway through) since this has become somewhat of a career and money podcast, in an inside-out sort of way, and I have had some changes to share.

Thanks for being on the journey with me.

🎧You can also listen to the Soil & Stars podcast on your favorite podcasting service (Spotify, Apple, etc.)

📖 Read the last post, A real monster?

✨ To get a reading: Email me at and I’ll get back to you at the end of November/early December to schedule. BUT you can always get the Know Your Chart, Know Your Self Workshop for $25 to learn more about how to look at your own chart, in your own timing.

Alright, that’s it! Happy Moon Day.

(I’m getting wild sending this out on not-Mercury days, but life is like that sometimes).

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The Mercurial Missive (Soil & Stars Newsletter)
The Soil & Stars Podcast
A podcast about living a meaningful life. We'll have conversations about astrology, herbology, creativity, daily living, and any other juicy, sacred/profane, magical/ordinary thing. Hosted by astrologer and renaissance woman Mollie Moorhead.